Cannabis Odour Complaint Services

Cannabis has a distinct smell which presents an issue for producers. If your facility is known to your neighbours, you are going  may be targeted for odour complaints. Right or wrong, you need to be prepared to respond in a professional and well-documented manner. 

ORTECH has been helping our clients like Licensed Producers of Cannabis (“LP”) for over 40 years.  Industries like mushroom farmers, compost facilities, rendering plants all have the same issues as LP’s. 

How do you manage an odour complaint?

Odour complaints can be dealt with proactively or reactively. The release of Odours are not predictable, but you can manage them if you receive a complaint.  Here are some suggestions:

  • Odour complainants should be encouraged to contact the plant after an odour release. The use of a questionnaire with details is a significant first step. Detail everything about it

  • It is essential to verify that the complaint is authentic and real. The wind direction at the time of the claim should be noted. Visiting the site of the complaint is also advised.

  • Try to document the complaint with the activities of the Cannabis operations that could have caused the complaint like loading of a truck or maintenance of an HVAC system.

  • Gathering your own odour data is also the right approach. This will help with the complaint, either by refuting it or complementing it. If your facility did release the odour, it is better to confirm it and fix it, then to try and ignore the situation.

  • Conduct an odour survey with dispersion modelling to determine the effect of these odours.

  • Develop a plan to reduce odour emissions; starting with the most significant odour source.

  • Develop an odour management plan for the operations for managing odour complaints.

ORTECH has the experience to set up an odour complaint process, including training for the LP staff and operations managers.  This will include forms and procedures to document the complaint and actions that should be taken to assess the situation accurately.

ORTECH’s odour team can also provide the following services:

  1. Odour sampling,

  2. Odour panel evaluations,

  3. Odour management plans,

  4. Dispersion modelling,

  5. Community surveys, and

  6. Odour analysis

For more information, please use the contact form below.